Town of Niverville Building Bylaw Updates Now Available


Have you seen our updated Building Bylaw?

This update is part of the continued modernization and consolidation of the Town’s bylaws, bringing it in line with surrounding municipalities and providing more flexibility for unique buildings and projects. It also consolidates multiple policies into a single bylaw, making it easier for users to efficiently find the information they need.

Some significant highlights of this update include, but are not limited to:

  • More definitions of terms in the bylaw have been included to provide further clarity to users.
  • The use of the term “Designated Officer” instead of a specific job title, to provide flexibility on who can provide approvals and perform inspections. This includes flexibility being provided to the Designated Officer to require further information or allow an exemption in certain circumstances on a case-by-case basis, or the ability to address unsafe conditions and safety concerns with buildings, among other things.
  • Providing flexibility and efficiency around permits, such as:
    • More info has been included on the types of permits and what documentation is required for these permits.
    • The introduction of a new permit for a Temporary Building (such as a sales office or display suite, which would only be permitted for a limited time).
    • Clarification regarding refunds for expired permits.
    • The duties, responsibilities and expectations of permit holders have been expanded upon.
    • Permits now have a timeline for how long they will be held without being paid for or picked up before being considered abandoned. Once these permits are abandoned, applicants will be charged an administration fee and the permit will need to be reapplied for if the project is going ahead.
    • The appeals process has been moved from Council to the CAO, to ensure greater efficiency in the appeals process.
  • Three policies have been incorporated into the bylaw: the Security Deposit policy, the Rush Service policy, and the Foundation Permit policy.

To read the full text of the Building Bylaw No. 871-24, please click here. If you have any questions regarding this update, please reach out to